Clinical Studies Ingredients
- Longevity Anti-Oxidants

These Research Studies on the Ingredients
Prove that GHR Platinum Supplements Really Work


According to H Amagase, Lead Author of "A Randomized, Double-Blind
Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study of the General Effects of a Standardized
Lycium Barbarum ( Goji ) Juice , GoChi"

This powerful antioxidant, 
Goji Berries ( organic ) [ Lycium Barbarum ]helps increase Growth Hormone ( GH ), enhance sexual libido, improve sleep, and burn unwanted fat. It is known to keep the heart and other vital organs healthy, as well as fight cancer. Goji berries are small, reddish berries that are grown in China. Goji berries have been known to be used by the Chinese to treat a variety of illnesses and health problems for approximately 2,300 years.

According to Dr. Lindsey Duncan, author for, "Goji Berries ease anxiety, facilitate a better night’s sleep, promote a more positive outlook on life and help the body respond better to physical and mental stress. Individuals participating in a clinical study on the benefits of Goji berries reported an enhanced sense of well-being and more restful sleep during
the 15 day testing period."


Readers Digest ( November 2003 )

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful Anti-Oxidant known to neutralize free radicals that damage our cells and helps prevent nerve damage.
It also dissolves toxic substances in the liver. It helps to reduce blood sugar in diabetics. It is referred to as the "New Pill That End Aging".


Shi, John; Yu, Jianmel; Pohorly, Joseph E.; Kakuda, Yukio ( 2003 )
"Polyphenolics in Grape Seeds Biochemistry and Functionality"
in Journal of Medicinal Food 6 ( 4 ): 291-299.
doi10.1089/109662003772519831. PMID14977436.


"OPC ( Oligomeric ProanthoCyanidins ) ( organic ) is a Grape Seed Extract that is 50 times more effective than Vitamin E and 20 times more effective than Vitamin C as an AntiOxidant. It is one of the most powerful nutrients to neutralize free radicals cause by stress, chemicals in foods and medicines."


Gescher Andreas J.; Steward William P.
"Relationship Between Mechanisms, Bio-availability,
and Pre-clinical Chemo-Preventative Efficacy of Resveratrol: a Conundrum.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev 2003; 12:953-957


Wenzel Elisabeth; Somoza, Veronika.
"Metabolism and Bio-Availability of Trans-Resveratrol."
Molecular Nutrition Food Research 2005; 49:472-481


Resveratrol is an ingredient found in the skin of red grapes that is known to have Anti Aging properties. It is rich in AntiOxidants, fights cancer and is a natural Anti-Inflammatory. It is known for its role is the reduction of heart disease and life extension properties. Benefits highlighted in an ABC News Television Program with Barbara Walters, "Live To 150, Can We Do It?"


Olas, B.; Wachowicz, B.
Biological activity of Resveratrol


"Resveratrol is a Phytoalexin found in many plants, mainly in grapes. It has been shown to prevent coronary heart diseases and to exert a variety of anti-cancer and Anti-Inflammatory effects."

Resveratrol is an herbal substance, that is of the type Polyphenols which contains Anti-Oxidants. Grapes, grape juice, red wine and some kinds of fruit berries, such as blueberries and cranberries, are all rich in this compound. Peanuts and cocoa also contain some amounts of Resveratrol.


Research studies have demonstrated that it can help reduce levels of fasting Sugar ( Glucose ) and Serum Lipids ( Cholesterol ). Meanwhile, there are additional clinical studies which have shown that Resveratrol can help diminish the condition of INSULIN RESISTANCE, among men and women who suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. Additionally, due to its high content of AntiOxidants, this nutrient might also help improve the Cardiovascular Health of people with Diabetes.


Moreover, Resveratrol is known to also possess Anti-Inflammatory properties, which helps protect against damage to tissues and cells that Free Radicals can cause. Some recent research has studied the impact of using Resveratrol on the condition of hardening of arteries in Diabetics. Researchers also believe that it helps to lower blood pressure, which is a significant symptom among people with Type 2  Diabetes. Finally, it also helps protects the brain ( and so may work against degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer's Disease and similar ). And then it might also help to relieve pain in the joints.