Easy Ways To Raise Hgh Levels Naturally

How Can You Naturally Boost Your HgH Levels?

In this blog page, we have included a list of helpful suggestions and tips, which you can do, at home, starting today. These are various easy ways that you can help your body to naturally elevate your Human Growth Hormone ( HgH ) levels. By doing any of these things, you could significantly enhance the health benefits that you could achieve. The more of these things that you do, the more ways you could improve your Growth Hormone ( GH ) levels and better your health.

Place Three ( 3 ) Hours Between Your Last Meal and Your Sleeptime


When you consume foods with Carbohydrates ( Starches & Sugars ), your body in response is naturally going to secrete more  INSULIN, in order to break them down and digest them. Generally, it is going to take about two ( 2 ) to three ( 3 ) hours for the levels of INSULIN in your body to become stable. So if you eat a late meal, or evening snacks with sugars and starches, it is going to affect the release of your Growth Hormones ( GH ). Why does this happen?


The answer is because your body basically produces and releases your Growth Hormones ( GH ) at night. It is secreted from your Pituitary Gland when you sleep. There are Four ( 4 ) Stages that we generally pass through when we are sleeping. The process  of releasing the Growth Hormones ( GH ) happens during a particular Stage of your Sleep.


But research studies have shown that INSULIN levels have a direct impact on Growth Hormones levels. The higher the amount of INSULIN in your body circulating at night, the lower will be the amount of Growth Hormone released during your sleep time that night. Read this blog article about Elevating Hgh As You Sleep to learn about these Sleep Stages and why this is so important. So it is far better for your health and well-being, to place at least Three ( 3 ) hours between your last meal of the day and your sleep-time. Understanding why this is important will help you to get the maximum results possible from using the GHR product.


This is the reason that you take the GHR PLATINUM veggie capsules at sleeptime, about three ( 3 ) hours after your last meal.

Go To Sleep At An Earlier Time


Research studies have shown that there is a significant relationship between the Quality of our Sleep and the amount of our Growth Hormone ( GH ) which our bodies produce and then release. Thus, How Many Hours of sleep that we get is not the only important factor. More importantly, it is the Quality of the Hours of sleep that we get which is probably more critical for our entire health and well-being - mentally physically and emotionally.


One of the most simple ways to improve the Quality of Sleep that we get, is to just go to sleep earlier at night. It is suggested that a good time is between 9 pm and 10 pm. If we go to sleep later than that, our bodies will generally produce less of our Growth Hormone.


Here are some other simple things that you can do to enhance the quality of your sleep:

  • Sleep in a cool, dark room which is in a quiet environment

  • Get into the habit of going to sleep around the same time every night

  • Try to relax just before bedtime. Taking a warm bath, listening to gentle music, anything to provide a peaceful environment helps.


One of the many benefits of taking the GHR PLATINUM products, is that these All-Natural, Organic Anti Aging supplements will greatly help you to enhance the Quality of Sleep that you get. And when you sleep better and more deeply, your body will produce and then release more of your Growth Hormone - which then helps your entire body to better restore, repair and rejuvenate itself. In this way, you can wake up, every day, feeling refreshed, relaxed, restored and renewed. You can wake up with energy and enthusiasm, with confidence and more clear mental focus and concentration. You can enjoy improved sexual libido, lower cholesterol levels, balanced weight and many of the other health benefits which using the GHR PLATINUM Hgh Releasers can offer you.

Eat and Cook Foods using Coconut Oil


Did you know that there are many benefits from eating Coconut Oil that can improve your health? The reason is this: Coconut Oil is packed with Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 FATTY ACIDS. These nutrients are especially useful to support a healthy Brain Function and your whole Neurological System.


The reason is that the human brain is made up of 60% FAT containing the same or similar compounds. These Lipids ( Fatty Acids ) are involved in the making and the functioning of brain cell neurons. These FATTY ACIDS also have an important part in the functioning of healthy NeuroTransmitters in the brain, and support various Cognitive Functions, Emotions and Mood.


They also help to reduce inflammation in the brain, which can cause a lot of harm to the health of your brain in various ways. Research studies also show that these FATTY ACIDS play a role in helping to protect the brain against Degenerative conditions and disorders.


Our bodies can NOT make on their own, these FATTY ACIDS compounds, like those in the brain. So we must obtain them from foods we eat, or else get them from supplements. Just make sure that you use Coconut Oil that is Pure, Organic / Natural, Virgin and  Cold-Pressed


Moreover, did you know that health scientists have discovered that Coconut Oil has an incredible ability to actually increase the levels of your Growth Hormone ( GH )? Furthermore, it can do this within just 30 to 90 minutes of consuming it. There are research studies which show that the HgH can remain at a higher level for as many as four ( 4 ) hours after ingesting Coconut Oil. ( Eat or Use No More than 2 Tablespoons per Day ).


How can you add Coconut Oil to your meal planning? It is very simple. Instead of using processed oils, such as Soybean Oil, Peanut Oil or Safflower Oil, just cook with Coconut Oil. You can also use it instead of butter or margarine on the frying pan. Besides, you might even like the taste of your foods more. Try it. See how it works for you.

Reduce Your Consumption of Caffeine and Alcohol


Did you know that caffeine ( ie: coffee, some kinds of teas, sodas and "energy drinks" ) can actually disrupt your ability to sleep at night? Moreover, if you consume caffeine right before your sleep time, it will have an even greater negative impact on the Quality of your Sleep.


As mentioned above, there are Four Stages of Sleep that we progress through, every night. As explained earlier, you should try to place at least two ( 2 ) hours between your last meal of the day and your sleep time. And three hours is really better to do. In the same way, you could consider at least the same if you drink any caffeine beverages, or take any supplements that contain caffeine - before your sleep time. But even more effective, is simply to reduce your overall consumption of caffeine during the day.


Did you know that caffeine "strips" the body of B Complex Vitamins? These vitamins are critically needed for our health in many ways. And our bodies are NOT able to store them ( except for B12 ). Therefore we must consume them every day, or obtain them through supplements. You can read how each of the Vitamin B nutrients included in the GHR PLATINUM supplements works.


In a similar way, using alcohol can also have a huge detrimental affect on the Quality of your Sleep. In particular, consuming higher amounts of alcohol can adversely impact the important Sleep Stage called "REM Sleep". Furthermore, alcohol in the body can cause you to spend LESS TIME in "REM Sleep" - which is the stage that is vitally-needed for getting the Deep Sleep / Quality of Sleep that you need. So, consuming alcohol can impair the ability of your Pituitary Gland to produce and release your Growth Hormone.


Lastly, the use of tobacco can also disrupt the Quality of Sleep you get. And it goes without saying, that is can cause many other serious health issues as well.

Lose Some Weight - Body Fat and Belly Fat


There are many research studies which have proven there is a strong link between Visceral BODY FAT and its negative impact on production and release of Growth Hormone ( GH ) levels. That being so, BELLY FAT carried at the waistline, much more adversely lowers the production HGH and its release into you body.


So by losing some weight and lowering the amount of FAT in your BODYand especially the FAT around the BELLY, you can make a significant positive improvement towards helping your Pituitary Gland to produce and release more of your Growth Hormone ( GH ). One of the numerous advantages of using the GHR PLATINUM Hgh Releaser products is that these Anti-Aging supplements can also help you to lose weight - both BODY FAT and BELLY FAT.

Enjoy Some Exercise


Health research shows that doing certain forms of exercise can help to raise your HGH levels. If you are able to do some type of cardio-vascular exercise, or somewhat strenuous workout, that is perhaps better. However, even just doing some brisk walking, getting some fresh air outside, let's say for about thirty ( 30 ) to forty five ( 45 ) a day, will help to reduce stress levels, clear your mind, and improve your general physical and mental well-being.


Nevertheless, there are various things that can affect how your HgH levels could increase from exercising. These include the what kind of exercise you are doing, how long you are doing it for, how often you exercise, and what food, if any, that you eat before the exercise or workout. Furthermore, age, body chemistry, sleep, diet and still other things also affect your general levels of Growth Hormone ( GH ).

Increase Your Intake of the Amino Acids - Arginine and Lysine


There are so many research studies which repeatedly prove that increasing the amount of your consumption of certain Amino Acids, specifically - ARGININE and LYSINE, will elevate both the production and release of your Growth Hormone ( GH ) levels. Thus, you can raise your HGH levels by eating more proteins which contain these particular nutrients: this includes fish, chicken, eggs and beef.


The GHR PLATINUM Hgh Releaser supplements specifically include both ARGININE and LYSINE, along with certain other amino acids in these new and improved Doctor-Formulated supplements. All of these ingredients are clinically-proven to work, safely and effectively, to both stimulate the production and the release of Human Growth Hormone ( HgH ). We encourage you to read more about this HgH Amino Acids Blend. Moreover, all of these amino acids are combined ( "stacked" ) in the Right Ratio and Molecular Weight, that helps your body to effectively restore your own HgH levels, both safely and naturally.

Increase Your Intake of the Amino Acid - GABA


Gamma AminoButyric Acid ( GABA ) is a very critical NeuroTransmitter in the brain that sends neuro-signals. It is derived in the body from using the amino acid Glutamic Acid. It works by reducing & blocking - the ability of nerve ells to send or receive messages  to and from other nerve cells throughout your neurological system. In this way, it produces a calming effect in your body in your Central Nervous System. Scientists believe that this substance plays a vital role in managing hyperactivity of nerve cells that is caused by stress, anxiety and fear.


The GHR PLATINUM Anti Aging products also contain an amount of Gamma AminoButyric Acid ( GABA ) in the Proprietary Blend of the HGH Enhancers Complex.