Luigi Sacca Clinical Study - Italy

Another Major Clinical Research Study
Showing the Benefits of Boosting HGH Levels

Growth Hormone and the Heart
Sacca Luigi., Cittadini, A., Fazio, Serafino. -
Endocrinology Review 1994; 15:555-573

In Naples, Italy, Dr. Luigi Sacca and others, evaluated the effects of using {synthetic} Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) on patients who had moderate to severe heart failure.

The researchers found that when HGH supplementation was combined with standard heart failure treatment, it resulted in increased efficiency of the heart's energy consumption and ability to pump a higher volume of blood. At the same time, it also produced an increase in circulation by reducing peripheral vascular resistance.

This significant research opened the door for the use of Growth Hormone ( GH ) to
enhance cardiovascular output in healthy people. Meanwhile, it showed the beneficial use of Growth Hormone as an adjunctive treatment for patients with heart disease.