Elevate Your HgH Levels As You Sleep

Did You Know that Your Growth Hormone ( GH )
is Produced & Released into Your Body as You Sleep?

HgH is Released At Night While We are Sleeping


There are many clinical studies which have discovered, that our Pituitary Glands produce our Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) generally at night, after we go to sleep. This is one of several reasons why we have to go to sleep early ( usually between 9 pm & 10 pm in the evening ). This is mentioned in the prior blog article: Easy Ways To Raise Hgh Levels NaturallyThen it is released ( secreted ) in what scientists and researchers call - pulses or waves. This release happens when we are sleeping. More specifically, these pulses are based on the internal time clock that is built-in to our bodies, which is called the Circadian Rhythm. This is what sets the time frame and cycle of various metabolic activities and processes that occur every day and every night.


Moreover, research has also learned that the greatest amount of our Growth Hormone ( GH ) is actually released into our brains and bodies during the second part of our sleep time at night. Consequently, it is crucial for us to get a sufficient amount of Quality Sleep - which then stimulates the release of the Growth Hormone ( GH ) that we need.

The Four Stages of Sleep


There are four ( 4 ) specific STAGES of SLEEP that we pass through every night. Each of these phases has an important and critical role in the healing and repairing of our bodies and brains. When we are sleeping, we progress from one stage to the next, in cycles - each of which can last for approximately ninety ( 90 ) minutes.


Stages 1 , 2 , and 3 are called Stage N1 , Stage N2 and Stage N3, respectively. During these first phases, there are NO movements of our eyes, that are called Rapid Eye Movements ( R E M ). Each of these N-REM stages of sleep are critical for both physical and mental healing and restoration of our bodies and our minds. So if we do not get adequate Quality of Sleep, or if we only get limited portions of sleep, that are called - "Fragmented Periods of Sleep", then we could end up having all kinds of health problems, issues and conditions. Clinical studies on sleep patterns have discovered that approximately 75% of the total amount of sleep that we obtain each night takes place during these Three ( 3 ) Stages of NREM Sleep.


During these specific sleep stages, our bodies will experience slower breathing, lower heart rate, less activities in our muscles, and less brain waves. In other words, the actions and processes of our bodies and our brains slow down. The result is that these periods of time  of little activity internally are what enables our bodies and brains to repair and rejuvenate themselves.


Stage N1 and Stage N2 are called "Light Sleep". Then we move forward into Stage N3, which is when we experience what is called "Deep Sleep". Sleep professionals think that this N3 Third Stage of Sleep is the most crucial period of time that allows our bodies and brains to repair, restore and heal themselves.


Here is an example if this. During this "Deep Sleep" period of time, our heart rates and blood pressure slow down. This is absolutely critical for the healing and repair of our whole Cardiovascular System. This could explain, in part, what could happen as we grow older, when do NOT get enough of this specific phase of sleep. Older men and women lacking adequate "Deep Sleep" will often have a higher risk of suffering from high blood pressure and other serious related health issues, including Type 2 Diabetes, heart failure or stroke.


It is precisely during the N3 Stage of Sleep that our Pituitary Glands are releasing our Growth Hormone ( GH ). So this takes place at the very same time when our bodies and brains are healing and repairing themselves. Therefore the connections between the Quality of our Sleep, slowing down, stopping and reversing the many symptoms of aging and growing old, and increasing the levels of our Growth Hormone ( GH ) - are established.

Moreover, the largest amount of our Growth Hormone ( GH ) that is released 
happens to take place within the first few minutes at the start of this period of "Deep Sleep" ( Stage N3 )


This stage of sleep is also called "Slow Wave Sleep", because the majority of our brain wave activity during this particular time contains slow wave frequencies. In other words, this is the time when the electrical impulses in the brain change, while the body relaxes into Deep and Restorative Rest. Each period during the Slow Wave Sleep can last from about twenty ( 20 ) to forty ( 40 ) minutes.


So how does Growing Older in Age affect our "Deep Sleep" ( Stage N3 ) / "Slow Wave Sleep"?


Research has again shown, that as we grow older, the quantity of time that we spend
in the
"Deep Sleep" / "Slow Wave Sleep", decreases over time. And this then appears to be
one of the many symptoms of the Aging Process. It then leads to a corresponding decrease
in the healing and restoration of our bodies and brains, at night, when we sleep. So as we grow older,
we experience more and more of the many symptoms of aging. But now, thanks to the GHR PLATINUM
Anti-Aging Products, we can now slow down, stop and reverse many of those symptoms of aging.

By making the GHR PLATINUM Anti-Aging HgH Releaser supplements, a part of your health habits from now on,
you can safely and effectively dramatically improve the quality of your sleep. And the result will significantly provide
you with many positive and rewarding benefits to your health and well-being - physically, mentally and emotionally.

Furthermore, health researchers believe that during this N3 - Third Stage of Sleep there is healing and repair of certain aspects of our bodies, including our Memories and Immune Systems. This stage of sleep is very critical for us, so that when we wake up every morning, we can feel restored, rejuvenated and refreshed. So when we do NOT get sufficient amount of the vital "Deep Sleep" / "Slow Wave Sleep", we wake up feeling like we have not slept very well or slept at all. Then we feel tired and fatigued throughout the whole day.

Stage Four of Sleep


The last and final stage of sleep: Stage Four - is the phase that is connected with Dreaming. This phase is often also called "REM" Sleep, because it is during this time that our eyes physically move rapidly ( Rapid Eye Movements ), even though they are closed behind our eyelids.


Health professionals believe that getting this critical REM Sleep is connected to having healthy Cognitive Functions, such as learning and memory improvement. It is also during this time that our brains deal with emotional processing of thoughts from the day. Thus it is critical also for our psychological and emotional health, to get adequate amounts of this vitally-needed "REM" Sleep.