Clinical Studies Ingredients
- HgH Enhancers
These Research Studies on the Ingredients
Prove that GHR Platinum Supplements Really Work
Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. - BioChemist
Author of "Glandular-Based Food Supplements: Helping to Separate Fact From Fiction"; Bellevue-Redmond Medical Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA 1980
"Glandular extractions have been used for hundreds of years to improve health. These are now known to greatly improve the human glands responsible for producing HGH. The manufacturer of GHR PLATINUM has been making various Growth Hormone Releasers for many years. There are no other natural supplements that come close to being as effective without these two key active ingredients - ANTERIOR PITUITARY ( USA source ) and HYPOTHALAMUS ( USA source ).
For a tissue cell to repair itself, it must have the raw materials necessary to do so. Glandular therapy provides the raw materials to the failing glands and tissues, so that they can start the process of regeneration. BioChemist Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., explains how glandular therapy products work. According to him, glandular-based food supplements may contain small polypeptide, protein-like substances, which have specific messenger activity and which act on target tissues.
He suggested glandular tissues, even at low concentrations, still have potent tissue-specific activities. For example, a small polypeptide material present in one tissue can have selective effects in encouraging another tissue at a different site in the body to produce hormonal materials, which then may affect a final target tissue and change its physiological function.” ( Pages 20-21 )
Dr. Dick Weatherby, MD
Author of "Naturally Raising Your HGH Levels"
"GABA ( Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ) is a specialized Amino Acid that acts as a Neuro-Transmitter in the brain. It improves the sleep cycle and calms the nervous system. GABA, via GammahydroxyButyrate, is a potent stimulator of HGH release."
( Page 27 )
Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ( GABA ) is an important Amino Acid which is found in the brain, spinal cord, and in other places in the body. It functions as a NeuroTransmitter, by sending communication signals to and from the brain and the Central Nervous System.
This compound works by slowing down or even inhibiting signals from the brain to the nerves. As a result, it produces calming effect on the Nervous System. Consequently, scientists believe that it plays an important function in regulating the hyperactivity of nerve cells that is connected to anxiety, stress and fear.
There is an interesting link between the production of Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) in the Pituitary Gland and GABA.
One particular research study discovered that taking Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ( GABA )
as a supplement led to a 400% increase in HGH levels while at rest.
Moreover, research has clearly shown that the amount of BELLY FAT that is in our bodies, is directly related to the production of HGH. What this means is that people who carry around high levels of BELLY FAT may have lower levels of HGH production. And therefore, they also tend to have an increased risk of suffering various kinds of diseases and other adverse health conditions.
According to a certain study of people with OBESITY, high levels of INSULIN can cause low levels of Growth Hormone in their bodies. Why does this occur? Consuming large amounts of Carbohydrates ( Starches & Sugars ) surely will elevate their levels of INSULIN. And then those increased levels of INSULIN ( released from the PANCREAS ), will have a negative and detrimental affect on the activity of various neurons ( NeuroTransmitters ) which cause the release of HGH from the Pituitary Gland.
Sleep and the GH / IGF-1 Axis: Consequences
and Countermeasures of Sleep Loss / Disorders
Research studies have shown that NOT having enough sleep can actually reduce the amount of HGH that our bodies can produce. Here is one of these clinical studies:
"This article presents an up-to-date review of the state-of-the-art knowledge regarding the effect of sleep on the Anabolic Growth Hormone ( GH ) / Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 ( IGF-1 ) axis. This axis is involved in learning and memory and neuro-protection at the central level, and in the cross-talk between sleep and the immune system, with respect to its anti-inflammatory properties. We also aim to provide insight into the consequences of sleep loss on cognitive capacities in healthy individuals.
"We also aim to provide insight into the Consequences of Sleep Loss on Cognitive Capacities in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( OSA ), regarding the mechanistic association with the GH / IGF-1 axis."
Growth Hormone Isoform Responses
to GABA Ingestion at Rest and After Exercise
"Oral administration of the Amino Acid / Inhibitory NeuroTransmitter Gamma AminoBbutyric Acid ( GABA )
Reportedly Elevates Resting Serum Growth Hormone ( GH ) Concentrations"
"Eleven ( 11 ) resistance-trained men ( ages 18 - 30 years old ) participated in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study. During each experimental session, participants ingested either 3 grams of GABA or a Sucrose Placebo, followed either by resting or resistance exercise sessions. Fasting venous blood samples were then acquired at various intervals."
"The data that was obtained by measuring certain markers during the intervals tested, indicated that taking the ingested GABA elevated Growth Hormone ( GH ) concentrations while resting and after exercising."
Dr. Abazar Habibinia, MD
Author of "How To Naturally Increase Growth Hormone and Testosterone
"Colostrum is known to burn fat, elevates the mood, promotes nutrient uptake of the cells, prevent the loss of age related elasticity, reduces physical recovery time and improves physical performance. HGH converts in IGF-1 ( Insulin Growth Factor ) within minutes of the body releasing it into the body. Colostrum is a prime source of IGF-1, which is why usage amongst professional athletes is on the rise. Some researchers believe that Colostrum is 3 to 5 more effective than synthetic HGH." ( Page 29 )
Dr. LE Dorman, MD - Growth Hormone / Amino Acid Blend
Author of "The Methusaleh Factor"
As we age, our body stops producing an adequate supply of HGH amino acids. Out of the 191 amino acids in the Growth Hormone chain, GHR PLATINUM replenishes the body with the needed blend of Stacked HGH Amino Acids in the Right Ratio and Molecular Weight that helps Stimulate and Restore the Release of your body’s own natural Growth Hormone. Many substances stimulate the release of Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland. Amino acids ( from HGH chain ), drugs and exercise are among the provocateurs." ( Page 35 )
"OKG ( L-Ornithine KetoGlutarate ) is a strong HGH secretagogue. It increases lean body muscle gain, stimulates the body's healing process and removes toxins. OKG has been used in cancer treatment to reduce abnormal cells. OKG stimulates the secretion and enhances the effects of HGH." ( Page 28 )
"Extracted from the Mucuna Prurien herb, L-Dopa-Bean is known to researchers to increase the production of HGH production. It is also shown to increase sexual libido. It has an anti-diabetic function due to its ability to decrease serum blood glucose levels. We know that certain conditions in the body; including obesity, hypothyroidism and diabetes can cause a drop in GHRH ( Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone ) from the Hypothalamus, which leads to decreased HGH secretion. L-Dopa-Bean may help reverse that by increasing GHRH secretion." ( Page 35 )
Dr. Ronald Klatz, MD - President of the American Academy of Anti Aging;
Author of "Grow Young with HGH "
"This nutrient Alpha GPC is shown to slow down the aging of the brain. It improves overall mental cognition, memory
and fights depression. Alpha GPC is recommended to stroke victims to help with their cognitive recovery. It increases levels of
the Neuro-Transmitter Acetylcholine, which results in an increase in HGH secretion." ( Page 340 )