Franco Salomon Clinical Study - London

Another Major Clinical Research Study
Showing the Benefits of Boosting HGH Levels

The Effects of Treatment with Recombinant
Human Growth Hormone on Body Composition and Metabolism in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency

Salomon, Franco; Cuneo RC; Hesp R.; Sönksen PH. ( 1989 )

"In a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, we studied the effects of six months of Growth Hormone { GH } replacement in 24 adults with Growth Hormone deficiency."

In 1989, Dr. Franco Salomon and his associates, in London, England, demonstrated that Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) treatment given to a group of adults with deficient levels, 
over a course of six months, resulted in an increase in lean body mass of over 10% and a 7% reduction of body fat. These subjects experienced an increase in basal metabolic rate, as well as improved strength and exercise performance, which had previously been below normal.

"The mean Lean Body Mass, however, increased by 5.5 +/- 1.1 kg, and the Fat Mass decreased by 5.7 +/- 0.9 kg in the group treated with Growth Hormone; neither changed significantly in the placebo group."

"The basal Metabolic Rate, measured at base line and after one and six months of rhGH administration, increased significantly."

"Fasting plasma Cholesterol Levels were lower in the rhGH-treated group than in the placebo group."

"We conclude that Growth Hormone { GH } has a role in the regulation of body composition in adults, probably through its anabolic and lipolytic actions."