Clinical Studies Ingredients
- Vitamin B Complex

These Research Studies on the Ingredients
Prove that GHR Platinum Supplements Really Work


Dr. Harold Bloomfield, MD - Psychiatrist in Del Mar, California
Co-Author of "How To Deal With Depression"

Vitamin B1 ( Thiamin )
 helps increase energy. It aids digestion, is essential for transmission of certain nerve signals in the brain. It also helps keep the heart muscles healthy. A healthy intake of the B-Complex vitamins is important for anyone who wants to keep depression at bay."

Learn More About Thiamin: Vitamin B1


Thiamin ( Vitamin B1 ) helps your body convert foods which you eat into energy for your metabolism. It works by making a compound that is called Adenosine Triphosphate ( ATP ). This substance is the main source of energy for the many activities and processes which your cells need. It works together with the Amino Acid: Aspartic Acid.


It is extremely critical to get enough of this vitamin, each day, because it is necessary for the proper functioning of the nerve cells. So, having a deficiency of Vitamin B1 - Thiamin can cause certain health problems. These could include a weakened Immune System Function, inflammation in the body, and loss of coordination in the muscles. It could even cause mental confusion.


Most of the Vitamin Bs are water-soluable. This means that we can NOT store them in the body. Therefore, we have to obtain enough of them every day, or get them from supplements.


Dr. Vernon Mark, MD
Author of "Reversing Memory Loss"

Riboflavin ( Vitamin B-2 ) increases energy. It metabolizes carbohydrates and protects against free radical damage. It promotes healthy skin and good vision. And it relieves migraine headaches. 'There has been a lot of evidence, that if you are deficient in 
Thiamin ( Vitamin B-1 ) or Riboflavin ( Vitamin B-2 ) over time it is going to lead to depression of the whole functioning of
the body, both physically and emotionally, says Dr. Bloomfield. Deficiencies in Thiamin( Vitamin B-1 ), Niacin ( Vitamin B-3 ),
Pyridoxine ( Vitamin B-6 ) and Cobalamin ( Vitamin B-12 ) can all cause mental dysfunction."

Learn More About Riboflavin: Vitamin B2


Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2 ) helps the Digestive System break-down Carbohydrates ( Starches and Sugars ) in order to convert them into energy used for metabolism. It also helps get energy out of proteins when needed. There is some research that indicates a possible connection between the Mitochondria of our cellsMigraine Headaches and Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin. Scientists believe that this critical Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin may also help to lower the amount of stress we have. In the same manner, it is believed to help reduce inflammation in the nerves - which are known to stimulate the excruciating pain caused by migraines.


In addition, obtaining adequate levels of Vitamin B2 ( and all the other Vitamin Bs ) may help to reduce the risk of getting Cataracts. These are cloudy areas on the lenses of the eyes, which cause problems in vision, such as blurred or double vision.


Another critical way that Riboflavin ( Vitamin B2 ) is used in the body it to help in the absorption of Iron, the Mineral that is vital so that the body to synthesize new Red Blood Cells. The red blood cells then carry oxygen to all the other cells of the body. Thus having an ample amount of Riboflavin may also help to prevent Anemia. People who suffer with this condition often feel extremely tired, look pale and can bruise easily.


Most of the Vitamin Bs are water-soluable. This means that we can NOT store them in the body. Therefore, we have to obtain enough of them every day, or get them from supplements.


Dr. Ronald Klatz, MD - President of the American Academy of Anti Aging;
Author of "Ten Weeks To A Younger You"

Pantothenic Acid ( Vitamin B-5 increases energy. It is known as an effective weight reducing agent. It aids in wound healing and is also known to lower bad cholesterol levels. It is used for a healthy digestive tract and essential for production of antibodies, will help with arthritis and is an anti-inflammatory."

Learn More About Pantothenic Acid: Vitamin B5


Additionally Vitamin B5 - Pantothentic Acid can help to prevent hair thinning, hair loss fall-out and baldness. It works in this way by helping to build the hair strands in the hair follicles of the scalp. It also protects the follicles from damage which can occur due to high heat from using blow-dryers and using shampoo and hair conditioner products which contain harsh chemicals.


Most of the Vitamin Bs are water-soluable. This means that we can NOT store them in the body. Therefore, we have to obtain enough of them every day, or get them from supplements.


Leslie Wade, CNN Medical Producer

Pyridoxine ( Vitamin B-6 ) maintains a healthy nervous system. It regulates body fluids. It can relieve carpal tunnel syndrome and PMS symptoms, and even helps asthmatics. It is often called the "Mood Vitamin", because of its very importance for helping our brain
and metabolism. A new study has shown Vitamin B6 may play a role in preventing cancer."

Learn More About Pyridoxine: Vitamin B6


Furthermore, Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine is necessary for the proper metabolism of most of our nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. And like Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin, and Vitamin B12 - Cobalamin, it is also needed for the formation of Red Blood Cells. This important vitamin is likewise necessary to create various amino-acid based Neuro-Transmitters found in the brain. These messengers send signals throughout the brain and the entire nervous system. Thus Vitamin B6 helps to support good Brain Health, while it aids in improving your mood. At the same time, it also aids in supporting various Cognitive Functions. In these ways, it helps to delay various forms of deterioration of the brain as we get older in age.


Most of the Vitamin Bs are water-soluable. This means that we can NOT store them in the body. Therefore, we have to obtain enough of them every day, or get them from supplements.


According to the study produced in PLoS One,
a publication of the Public Library of Science, a non-profit in San Francisco

"Cobalamin ( Vitamin B-12 ) is vital for healthy nervous system and aids in the production of DNA and RNA. It replicates and produces red and white blood cells. Recent studies have suggested that Vitamin B12 assists in lowering risks in developing breast cancer. Vitamins B6 and B12, ( along with ) and Folic Acid ( Vitamin B-9 ), lower the levels of an amino acid called homocysteine that is linked to brain-cell damage, similar to that is seen in Alzheimer patients."

Learn More About Cobalamin: Vitamin B12


Cobalamin - Vitamin B12 is an Essential Vitamin. Yet our bodies are NOT to produce it on our own. It is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, poultry, eggs and dairy foods. Therefore we have to consume enough of it every day.


Research reveals that as we grow older, our bodies develop a particular problem absorbing Vitamin B12 ( Cobalamin ) in its natural state. This is a condition that is called "Malabsorption". This can actually start to occur in some adults over the age of 50. This takes place due to changes in our Digestive Systems. As we age, our stomachs begin to produce less acid. Furthermore, taking OTC Antacid pills and various Diabetic drugs can also aggravate this health issue.


This vitamin has an essential role in nerve cells and the proper functioning of our Nervous System. So, if we have a big lack in this nutrient, it can cause various health conditions, like Anemia, Dementia and Depression. Moreover, and worse, it can also cause a reduction in our Cognitive Functions. Thus it is imperative that we have an adequate amount of this important vitamin to support both our mood and also combat symptoms of depression. Research shows that older adults who suffer from memory loss often are deficient in enough amounts of Vitamin B12 ( Cobalamin ).


Furthermore, like the other Vitamin Bs, Vitamin B12 is also necessary for the synthesis of Red Blood Cells. It is also vital for the creation of DNA. Additionally, it may also help support good bone health and prevent Osteoporosis ( low density in the bones ). This condition causes bones to become weak and brittle, which makes them easier to breaking. Finally, this vitamin may also reduce the condition of Macular Degeneration in the eyes, that affects central vision.


Most of the Vitamin Bs are water-soluableThis means that we can NOT store them in the body. Therefore, we have to obtain enough of them every day, or get them from supplements. The one exception to this is Vitamin B12 ( Cobalamin ). Any excess that we have will be stored in the Liver.