Ground-Breaking Daniel Rudman Study

The Break-Through Research Study by Dr. Daniel Rudman Showing the Benefits of Increasing HGH Levels

There are over 20,000 clinical studies worldwide which show the positive results
of elevating HGH levels in the human body. Here are just some of them that support the benefits of improving the levels of HGH and its affect on anti-aging.

On July 5, 1990, Dr. Daniel Rudman ( a top researcher in HGH therapy ), and his associates at the Medical College of Wisconsin, published an article in the very well-known New England Journal of Medicine.

They had conducted a ground-breaking study comparing the effects of six months
of ( synthetic ) HGH injections on a group of twelve ( 12 ) men, who were between
the ages sixty-one ( 61 ) to eighty-one ( 81 ) years old. They used a control group of similarly-aged men to make their comparisons.

The results of their research trial was medical history. They discovered that the group taking the HGH injections had gained an average of 8.8 percent of muscle. Meanwhile, they also lost an average of 14.4 percent of body fat, with diets or exercise. Also, they found that their skin had grown thicker and firmer, while the lumbar bones of their spines had increased.

"The effects of six months of ( treatment with ) Human Growth Hormone ( HGH  ) on lean body mass and adipose-tissue mass were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during ten ( 10 ) to twenty ( 20 ) years of aging", says Dr. Daniel Rudman. Further, he adds: "The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old
is not inevitable."

Another Major Clinical Research Study
Showing the Benefits of Boosting HGH Levels
The Palm Springs Life Extension Institute

From 1994 to 1996, the largest study on the effect of Growth Hormone ( GH ) on humans took place at the Palm Springs Life Extension Institute under the direction
of Dr. Edmund Chein, director of the institute, and his associate Dr. Leon Terry, a
Neuro-Endocrinologist from the Department of Neurology at the Medical College
of Wisconsin
. Dr. Chein helped restore GH levels for patients who are deficient
( IGF-1 less than 350 ng/ml ) with low dose, high frequency ( HGH ) [ synthetic ] injections. These are the results:

Effects of Growth Hormone Administration

( Low Dose - High Frequency in 202 Patients )
L. Case Terry, MD, Ph.D - Medical College of Wisconsin
and Edmund Chein, MD - and Palm Springs Life Extension Institute


Strength, Exercise and Body Fat

Skin and Hair

Muscle Strength


Skin Texture


Muscle Size


Skin Thickness


Cognitive Enhancers


Skin Elasticity


Exercise Tolerance


Wrinkle Disappearance


Exercise Endurance


New Hair Growth


Healing, Flexibility and Resistance

Sexual Function

Healing of Old Injuries


Sexual Potency / Frequency


Healing of Other Injuries


Duration of Penile Erection


Healing Capacity


Frequency of Night-Time Urination


Back Flexibility


Hot Flashes


Resistance to Common Illness


Menstrual Cycle Regulation


Energy, Emotions and Memory

Energy Level


Emotional Stability


Attitude Towards Life




The Effects of Treatment with Recombinant
Human Growth Hormone on Body Composition and Metabolism in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency

Salomon F., Cuneo RC, Hesp R., Sönksen PH. ( 1989 )

In 1989, Dr. Franco Salomon and his associates, in London, England, demonstrated that Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) treatment given to a group of adults with deficient levels, over a course of six months, resulted in an increase in lean body mass of over 10% and a 7% reduction of body fat. These subjects experienced an increase in basal metabolic rate, as well as improved strength and exercise performance, which had previously been below normal.

Growth Hormone and the Heart
Sacca L., Cittadini, A., Fazio, S. -
Endocrinology Review 1994; 15:555-573

In Italy, Dr. Serafino Fazio with others, evaluated the effects of using Human Growth Hormone ( HGH ) with moderate to severe heart failure. The researchers found that HGH, when combined with standard heart failure treatment, resulted in increased efficiency of the heart's energy consumption and ability to pump a higher volume
of blood, while increasing circulation by reducing peripheral vascular resistance.

This significant research opened the door for the use of Growth Hormone ( GH ) to
not only enhance cardiovascular output in healthy people, but also to be used as an adjunctive treatment for patients with heart disease.